Further to my previous update back in March of this year, I have to admit that thanks to constant delays at Newcastle University the project is a long way behind schedule. Mark & I have been attempting to get a written update from the science and engineering teams since July and finally after various zoom calls with the project leaders I have received this week the following from Dr Mamlouk & Prof Scott.
“Progress to date has been in two area of research, computational modelling and experimental pilot scale test rig building and commissioning based initially on a single homopolar disc configuration. The modelling has shown that the single homopolar generator is unlikely to produce significantly good hydrogen generation performance. The experimental rig build has identified a number of additional engineering challenges; mechanical and electrical, but these have been largely solved.The computational simulations of magnetic field induced electrolysis have been carried out using computational fluid dynamics simulations coupled with Maxwell’s equations and electrochemical secondary current distribution. In summary, the anticipated performance from our models is that we are obtaining throughput when using rare earth magnets with magnetic flux density of 1T in the order of 9.5A m-2 at rotation rate of 1700rpm, equivalent to cell voltage of 1.85V or electrical efficiency based on high heating value of hydrogen of 80%. This is mainly due to significant energy loss from ion transport over the large separation between the anode and cathode regions in the disc in the order of 90-120 cm. The large distance is required to reach the minimum required induced potential difference between anode and cathode of > 1.23V and in here of 1.85V.
This performance is not unexpectedly inferior to state of the art alkaline and PEM hydrogen producing electrolysers. The developed models can however be used to guide subsequent EHG designs based on rotating cylinders and discs as identified in the recent patent filing.
It should however be noted that the system is complex and not all current phenomena taking place are known or can be modelled and so importantly we will need to await experimental data to validate the model findings.In the experimental test rig development, there has been significant delays caused by COVID -19, personal leaving and limitation in terms of available technical support in addition to some design challenges to ensure suitable mechanical support, safe operation and chemical compatibility of the rotating rig in concentrated acid and alkaline as well as safety mitigations around produced oxygen-hydrogen gas mixtures. Most of these challenges have been addressed and we are finalising additional magnet mechanical support to withstand significant pulling forces between the two opposing magnet poles where the reaction will take place. The test rig has been hydraulically tested and awaits the final supports prior to testing. This testing will initially be based on a single disc electrode configuration to aid model validation and provide initial hydrogen evolution production data.” |