We are an experienced and entrepreneurial team who choose to work in partnership with other entrepreneurs.
- We are international and multi-disciplinary
- We offer vision, imagination and a global network of technical and commercial contacts
- With a deep understanding of the technologies we invest in, we have the insight to see how a new solution can exploit a technological advantage to expand an existing market or create a new one
- We have the operational experience to help inventors, scientists and engineers alike to make their vision a reality, and develop fast-growing companies whilst avoiding commercial pitfalls
- We have a track record of successfully raising funds for investment in renewable energy technologies and meeting investor milestones whilst developing that technology into a profitable commercial proposition
- We offer a partnership based upon far more than just capital.

David Newman
David is a founding Director of Viridis Navitas Capital Partners Ltd and a highly commercial, innovative and success driven individual. He is also an entrepreneur with a strong electronic, electro-mechanical, automotive and heavy engineering background.
Following 10 years of military service operating throughout the world, David spent the next 10 learning the commercial realities of international business by apprenticing himself to the most successful business owners and companies he could find. During this time he was tasked across a broad range of industries including, leisure, entertainment, automotive, telecoms, advertising and IT.
His corporate roles have included: Project Management, New Business Procurement, Financial Restructuring, Technical Creation and Support, IT Solution Creation & Delivery, Training Program Creation & Delivery and Change Management.
In 1999 he formed his own Telecoms consultancy and later that year created Trans Global Network Services, the world’s first global fibre optic leasing operator.
After successfully exiting TGNS in 2002 with annual revenues of $27m, David accepted the role of Commercial advisor to the then Maltese Minster of Finance, The Right Hon Mr John Dalli where he formed part of a 3-man team charged with redesigning the Countries FDI programme, agencies and Industrial Estate Management.
Successful completion of this project delivered a ‘step change’ in Government attitude toward FDI procurement, Business Promotion and even its own work force, pre the Country’s accession to Europe.
In 2004 David continued his career by taking on international consultancy roles within the restructuring IT and telecoms sector and later within the emerging renewable energy industry.
He returned to the commercial ‘start-up’ market place in 2008, designing and building an “outsourced” Debt Management and Cash Collection business for top 50 London accountancy practice, Simmons Gainsford LLP. SG Debt Management was initially created to assist SG clients post-recession but today has exceeded that brief. The business currently manages annual cash collections in excess of £13m and continues to quietly attract new clients.
In mid-2009, David was invited to lead the design team in building an ‘algae to fuel’ Photo Bio Reactor for a US project. In mid-2010 working with the same US affiliates, he went on to manage the design and build of an innovative ‘oleophilic membrane’ crude oil recovery rig. With support from the US Department of Energy, the machine was deployed in the Gulf of Mexico and trialled as part of the Deep Water Horizon clean-up operation.
In September 2010 upon his return from the USA, David joined forces with Mark and formed Viridis Navitas Capital Partners Ltd (VN-CP) specifically to target the renewable energy start-up funding gap experienced by inventors, engineers and scientists alike.
Since inception VN-CP has delivered 9 successful funding rounds for platform technology application spinouts raising in excess of £3M via HMRC Pre approved Seed Enterprise Investment Schemes & Enterprise Investment Schemes. The above-mentioned experiences have allowed David to build up a broad network of contacts throughout Governments and industries alike that he leverages to the benefit of any company he works with. Understanding the financial risk versus reward balance for investors, as a ‘real’ investor himself, he brings an unusual but extremely useful skill set to the company.
David manages the day-to-day operation, marketing, commercial due diligence, project creation, and IP portfolios for VN-CP, he is an equity participant in, and Commercial Director for, all VN spin-off SPV’s.
Mark Gilmore
Mark is also a founding Director of Viridis Navitas Capital Partners Ltd and another highly motivated, tenacious, achievement orientated individual who constantly delivers on business margin and project targets.
Be it participating in successful IT start-ups, or working within a ‘FTSE 500’ company, Mark brings more than 20 years successful operating experience at senior and executive sales management level to VN-CP.
Mark’s most recent corporate role was managing COLT Managed Services strategic markets region (6 countries and 27 employees). In his last year he delivered over £30m in revenues (118% against target) and nearly £13m of new business bookings (122% against target). This achievement was coupled with the process of transitioning the pre-sales technical architects, with corporate incentive structures to technical consultants holding personal incentive schemes.
Prior to this Mark held a number of senior Business Development roles including; Dimension Data for over 4 years, significantly exceeding revenue, bookings and margin targets in each of the 4 years he was there; GTS Carrier Services; and TGNS S.A.
In between these roles, Mark started Big Picture Interactive, a new digital multimedia and interactive web company, creating year 1 revenues in excess of £1m.
Upon leaving the Royal Navy where he was a serving officer, he converted an antique shop into a pub and restaurant, operating it successfully for 2 years before exiting via a private sale.
Mark manages sales and operations for VN-CP and is also an equity participant in, and Director of, all VN spin-off SPV’s.
Mick Avison
Mick is a highly experienced Senior Executive Manager, with a referenceable track record in the development, construction, operation and management of power generation projects and businesses (renewable and conventional energy) in Europe. Mick also has significant knowledge and experience of Private Equity and Commercial Banking Finance and Risk Management.
He has particular skills in the development of renewable projects, particularly the negotiation and management of EPC contracts for the construction of Power Plants, fuel supply and Power Take-off agreements (PTA’s) together with operation and maintenance contracts.
Mick also advises private institutions on energy related issues and asset management.
This expertise has been gained in a number of professional and commercial roles over the last 28 years. Aged 54, his skills mix reflects core training as an engineer, leadership roles in Joint Venture companies and blue chip power generation companies.
Since 2004, Mick has provided independent practitioner and advisory services to private investors, government agencies and independent power companies.
Mick was instrumental in the contract restructuring of the Elettra business in Italy, resulting in a successful €170m refinancing in 2007 and went on to manage their power business in Italy comprising 230MW of CCGT power plant utilising industrial producer gases to co-fire the gas turbines. Mick has also developed wind, biomass and solar projects in the EU working with a strong network of contacts.
Mick manages technical oversight and engineering due diligence for VN-CP and is also an equity participant in, and Technical Director of VN – H Power Generation Ltd.
Keith Scott
Keith is Emeritus Professor of Electrochemical Engineering, at Newcastle University, UK.
Educated at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, where he obtained his doctorate in the Chemical Engineering for research on electrochemical synthesis, cell design and scale-up. Prior to this he held the position of Professor of Electrochemistry at the University of Teesside.
He has an international reputation in the field of electrochemical science and engineering, His main research and development focus is in fuel cell and electrolyses technologies, batteries and bio-electrochemical system, with a focus on membrane and catalyst materials, cell design and scale-up.
He has successfully managed or coordinated over 30 projects at a national and EU level, funded by EPSRC, TSB, Innovate UK, EU, MOD/DERA and the Carbon Trust. He has authored or co-authored more than 400 research articles published in international referenced journals, made a comparable number of conference presentations, co-invented three patents, written or edited a dozen books, chaired several international conferences.
Keith has been instrumental in establishing spin out companies NewChem Technologies Ltd. and Newcell technologies Ltd, who operate in the areas of electrochemical energy technologies, environmental protection and synthesis, and has worked as a consultant for many international companies.
He is fully conversant with international banking process requirements and regularly represents and/or advises clients negotiating commercial bank funding or repayment proposals.
Keith is a chartered engineer and a Fellow of the Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Mohamed Mamlouk
Dr Mohamed Mamlouk is a Senior Lecturer for the School of Engineering at University of Newcastle with an area of expertise in Electrochemical Engineering Science.
Ph.D. Electrochemical Engineering: Investigation of High Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells, Newcastle University, August 2008.
M.Sc. Chemical Engineering: Applied Process Control (Distinction), Newcastle University, Sept 2003.
B.Sc. Hons: Applied Chemistry, Equiv (2:1), Aleppo University, Syria, 2002.
- Fellow of the UK higher education academy (D2 UKPSF)
- Electrochemical society
- European Energy Research Alliance steering committee
- Society of Chemical Industry
- Carisma European Coordination Action on increasing the impact of research European COST action on fuel cell durability
- Electrochemical Technology Group executive committee ECTG (SCI)
- Energy Group (SC)
Current Funding
- EPSRC- £1.5m (PI), EP/W005204/1. £10m programme grant: Ocean Renewable energy Fuel (Dec 2021- Nov 2026)
- EPSRC- £450k (PI), EP/T00939X/1 Next generation anion-exchange membranes (AEM) with covalently-bound antiradical functions for enhanced durability (Oct 2020- March 2024)
- EPSRC–£264k (CoI), EP/T025522/1 Sustainable Heavy Duty Truck, Marine and Rail Transport SMaRT (Oct 2020- Sept 2023)
- EPSRC-£740k (CoI), EP/S032134/1 A network for hydrogen-fuelled transportation (£1m), EP/R020744/1 earth abundant metal air batteries (Oct 2019-Sept 2023)
Research group: Electrochemical science and engineering
My research vision is “Electrochemistry, a solution for our future challenges, the answer to renewable energy storage and water purification”.
include: Energy storage and conversion by electrochemical technologies: including fuel cells, electrolyzers, metal-air and redox batteries. Electrochemical engineering. Membrane Science & Engineering with focus on Anion Exchange membranes and their degradation. Electro-dialysis and reverse electro-dialysis.
Dr. Mamlouk is lecturer at Newcastle University (since May 2016) and he is currently holding a Research Fellowship at Newcastle University (NEW) on anion exchange membranes development (2014-2017). He has published 43 papers in the field of fuel cells and electrolyser, with over 960 citations (google scholar) and h-index of 19.
Dr. Mamlouk has over 14 years’ experience developing anion and cation exchange polymers membranes for fuel cells and electrolysers. Mamlouk’s anion exchange membranes (AEM) among the most conductive in the literature with through plane conductivity above 0.1 S cm-1 [Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41, 1120-1133] and has recently identified new degradation pathways of AEM [J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017, DOI: 10.1039/c6ta08232g] challenging the current understanding of AEM degradation and allowing the design of new generation of more stable AEMs. He is also experienced in optimizing the composition and morphology of electrodes and electrolytes for intermediate temperature cation exchange membrane (H -PEM) fuel cells and electrolysers [Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2010, 35, 784-793 and 2011, 36, 7191-7198] reporting the highest power density in literature for AEM based fuel cell of 0.823 mW cm-2 [Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 37, 11912-11920]. Mamlouk also researched and developed non-noble metal electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction and oxygen evolution reactions achieving similar power density to that of Platinum catalyst [J Power Sources, 2011, 196, 7594-7600]. My work on AAEM is cited as “striking advances”, “absolutely interesting” and “advancement attributed to increased fundamental understanding”. “His work achieved the highest reportedpower density to date for AAEM fuel cell”.